马上要见到乖巧又懂事的小可爱了「第十六弹」下 ↓
“Yes, she has been very sensible since she was a child, not noisy, and can play alone when no one takes care of her.是啊,她从小就很懂事,不吵不闹的,如果没人人照顾她的时候还能自己一个人玩。”胜浩脸上写满了幸福继续说道“She always followed us obediently, never asking for this or that.她总是乖乖的跟着我们后面,从来不会主动要求这个要求那个。She is always good to make people distressed, and has been obedient and sensible since she was a child.她总是乖的让人心疼,从小就听话懂事。”
“Yes, master! Miss is so cute.是的,少爷!小姐就是这样乖巧。”贝卡也认同的点点头
“Although she occasionally acts like a baby and makes a □□all temper at us, but in fact, she is always taking care of each of us silently.虽然偶尔会向我们撒撒娇,闹闹小脾气,但是实际上每每都是她在默默的照顾这我们每一个人。She understands everyone's temper and always accommodates us.她了解每个人的脾气,总是迁就着我们。”胜浩内心深处满满的内疚,总觉得没有更好的照顾着妹妹。
“The young lady is very polite and respectful to those of us, and she has never been as arrogant as a daughter.小姐就算对我们这些下人都是很有礼貌,很尊重我们,从来不像一个千金小姐一样高傲。”贝卡也十分赞同,小姐总是对他们彬彬有礼,从没有把有不同的对待。喜欢爱,存在请大家收藏:(www.663d.com)爱,存在六六闪读更新速度最快。到六六闪读(www.663d.com)
“Yes, master! Miss is so cute.是的,少爷!小姐就是这样乖巧。”贝卡也认同的点点头
“Although she occasionally acts like a baby and makes a □□all temper at us, but in fact, she is always taking care of each of us silently.虽然偶尔会向我们撒撒娇,闹闹小脾气,但是实际上每每都是她在默默的照顾这我们每一个人。She understands everyone's temper and always accommodates us.她了解每个人的脾气,总是迁就着我们。”胜浩内心深处满满的内疚,总觉得没有更好的照顾着妹妹。
“The young lady is very polite and respectful to those of us, and she has never been as arrogant as a daughter.小姐就算对我们这些下人都是很有礼貌,很尊重我们,从来不像一个千金小姐一样高傲。”贝卡也十分赞同,小姐总是对他们彬彬有礼,从没有把有不同的对待。喜欢爱,存在请大家收藏:(www.663d.com)爱,存在六六闪读更新速度最快。到六六闪读(www.663d.com)
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